
The Adopt-the-Block program empowers individuals, families, and neighborhoods to take ownership of their local areas by providing the tools they need—litter pickers, gloves, safety vests, and buckets—to safely and conveniently clean up their streets.

Our group cleanups are central to our mission, offering Raleigh residents and organizations a hands-on opportunity to improve the city's cleanliness while fostering new connections and a stronger sense of community.

Are you a Raleigh-area resident or organization that sees litter as an issue in our community and want to make a direct impact?

Pledge to keep a small section of your neighborhood clean of trash.

The Great Raleigh Cleanup is an environmental nonprofit organization registered with the Secretary of State of North Carolina. We are a 501(c)3 tax exempt nonprofit registered with the IRS. We are not affiliated, nor governed by, the city of Raleigh, Wake County, or the state of North Carolina.

We have no association with the Adopt-a-Highway or any other similar city or state programs.

There is no fee associated with this program however a donation of any amount will allow for continued growth of the program and our efforts to keep Raleigh beautiful. Join the movement and become a member of the litter-free Raleigh community. 

If you adopt a location and find yourself overwhelmed with the amount of litter, The Great Raleigh Cleanup is available to assist. We can provide our volunteer force to tackle the big jobs and get you back to a more manageable place.

Adopt the Block Impact Log

Track your impact.