Landfill Diversion

Landfill Diversion events are in partnership with local live entertainment and sports venues like Coastal Credit Union Music Park, Red Hat Amphitheater, and NC State Football.

If you love music or football, now is your chance to pair those with community impact.

At these events, The Great Raleigh Cleanup collects aluminum cans and promotes recycling to help minimize the environmental impact of live events and educate community members on the importance of diverting materials from the landfill.

  • Raleigh Curbside Recycling


    The City of Raleigh encourages residents, visitors, and businesses to recycle through a variety of programs and offerings. Recycling extends the life of landfills, reduces pollution, and supports economic development. Learn how to do your part to help protect our environment and turn "waste" into new, useful products by recycling.that will ensure litter-free neighborhoods for all!

  • Wake Mulit-Material Recycling


    Wake County’s Solid Waste Management Division provides waste disposal and recycling drop-off services to residents and businesses in Wake County, as well as an array of award-winning outreach and education programs. Last year, 551,000 tons of garbage was disposed of in the South Wake Landfill, and 39,000 tons of materials for recycling were collected at Wake County Waste and Recycling Facilities.

  • US EPA


    Learn how reducing, reusing, and recycling can help you, your community, and the environment by saving money, energy, and natural resources. Recycling programs are managed at the state and local level—find information on recycling in your community. The EPA is working to build an economy that keeps materials, products, and services in circulation for as long as possible, what’s known as a “circular economy.”