It was just supposed to be something to do… now its so much more!

2020 was a hell of a year. In February I lost my mother to cancer, and a month later, COVID changed the world as we knew it. But as an introvert and only child, I thought staying inside and away from people would be easy. After a few months, even I wanted to go outside. But when I did, the city I moved to 20 years ago no longer looked the same. There was litter everywhere.

I felt compelled to act. I figured cleaning up an area one time would solve the problem, and I’d move on to the next. How naive! On October 17, 2020, I posted our first event on thinking maybe it would become maybe a once-a-month hobby. Maybe with 3 to 4 volunteers - if I was lucky. Four years later, with more than 150,000 pounds of litter removed, nearly 2,000 volunteers, 300+ cleanups, 50+ landfill diversions, partnerships, Amy and Saurabh having a baby, and of yeah, this Workforce thing, I never saw it coming.

But we are just getting rolling. There’s still so much more ahead. I’m proud of what we’ve done and excited for what’s to come. I hope you’ll be a part of it. - Preston


Choosing to Make a Difference 👏🏾


We got us